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code by blake smith

new blog project: straining to see

Today I’m launching a new blog that I will be writing on called straining to see. I’ve wanted a place to put some of my more personal ideas and thoughts and it seemed like a good idea to have a seperate space for that. I want to continue writing on this blog when my topic is more technical and programming focused, and more personal posts at straining to see.

What is this blog about? Here’s the text from the about page:

Hi there, my name is Blake Smith.

In late 2009, I purchased a moleskine notebook with the need for a place to scribble down my thoughts and ideas. What began as a general object to contain all my day-to-day activity has turned into a stream of thought based on my current experiences, readings and interactions. Most of the entries represent some of the greatest questions of my heart, and my desire to understand how I fit into this world.

As humans we have a tendency to feel that we stand alone in many areas of our lives. I pray that through the sharing of my ideas, you will recognize a kindred spirit and not feel as alone as you once did before.

I hope that by giving the gift of my thoughts, others may benefit by understanding my life journey, and in doing so feel empowered on their life journey.

Check it out - I’d love your feedback. And if you want to subscribe to the RSS feed, it’s located right here

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